by :Rusman Hakim

Observer Entrepreneurship

For we feel afraid and not familiar started the business, which usually arises in our minds is: "learn". The options may be a way to take the program so S2 and a MBA, or number of seminars and training, or can also act like a teacher and serve on a Begawan business.

Approximately selaraskah have thought that such a groove with what happens in reality? Let's study.

Most of the business because we want success, and a rich feast. We imagine, how good's in it and if we can sesukses and sekaya Bill Gates or Donald Trump. According to the views of the community in general, they are successful people who truthfully. They loop-loop business performance that makes people obsessed.

But experts wonder if any extract try and learn all that there are people on that success, with the hope that can transfer the values of success to other people who also want to become a successful figure. They maintain that: "Leaders are made, not born."

Furthermore, all long lunge by the businessman, the collected, dipilah-Sort, and then analyzed. From the analysis it made theories. The result, the various theories that terkemas success in the material "knowledge business," the discourse of professionalism, knowledge leadership (leadership), and others.

People really want once the public find ways that can help them to quickly achieve success. Such rail train that followed it will lead people arrived at the gates of success.

However, what we want to correct figure to be successful - more successful businessman specificity - must travel records with theories such success?

From the various notes that there is, does not seem so. Many long-lunge by the world's business leaders do not reflect that success because of their learning seriously in the business knowledge, professionalism and leadership theory. Not also the knowledge economy, theories about the freedom of financial, marketing knowledge and so forth. Also, because they are not diligently follow the success of seminars or workshops on business strategy.

On the other hand, many business leaders it is the people who do not like learning, lazy school, and only want to play it. Boro-boro take seminars or workshops. During the can?

There are several examples of cases. The first, Thomas Alva Edison. Name this since we already know in elementary school is not it? However, we certainly know more as the Edison of knowledge, because schools focus only on the teachings of the discovery of incandescent lamps and various other technical findings that do.

But we rarely consider that Thomas Alva Edison was also a big success. He is the owner and founder of several companies with names such as Lansden Co.. (car / automotive), Battery Supplies Co.. (battery), Edison Manufacturing Co.. (batteries, etc.), Edison Portland Cement Co.. (cement and concrete), North Jersey Paint Co.. (paint), Edison General Electric Co.. (electrical equipment, etc.), and many others. One of the still successful until now is General Electric.

What is to achieve all that Edison must take pains to follow the various schools and higher education? Or the world-class seminar held by the success of experts, business experts or specialists financial freedom? Was not. Figure Edison is the only figure shiftless hold 3 weeks of school. He would prefer to play with tools, with wires and electricity. Beneath it, and with it his success.

Another example is Kenji Eno. He also did not like school. He just likes to play with games, bands played formidable sets with video games. Class 2 senior high schools continue to idle stop. And can work at the software company, until he finally succeeded in establishing the company's own software, called WARP. In just the tempo few years, Kenji Eno able to bring the company into the company's video games of the world's recognized by industry leaders.

The phenomenon, a phenomenon created by people like Edison and Kenji Eno gives us the impression that all business is actually closer to a game, and too far to be treated as a science.

Gede freshman known as a specialist management (even dijuluki Stephen Covey Indonesia), Kenji Eno comment on the phenomena as the success of the freedom of thinking that is able to jump, because it has not been affected by pollution-pollution that created the school.

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