Three moment Business Strategy

by:Yodhia Antariksa
What is the actual Microsoft continues to make successful? Then why Nokia is able to produce cell phones that most beloved of the consumer? And what makes the BMW for tens of years of prosperity continues to be the icon that people continue to be hunted? Learning from the success story of the companies leading the global scale to serve customers, it seems there are a number of Wisdom, which can be quoted. The main lesson that can be taken is this: that the process must serve the customers it begins with the selection of the correct strategy. In other words, the process of serving the needs of customers had not suddenly appeared from the sky, but the choice must diselaraskan with the company strategy (corporate strategy), which has been discontinued.

In this context, there are three strategies that moment acapkali applied by the company's world-class companies. Moment that the first option strategy that is oriented on product leadership (superior products). Companies in this category is always working to create products with premium quality, and always one step Ahead of products than competitors. They are not reluctant to fund large part to the R & D for the creation of its products ciamik. Intel's famous Pentium series with it may be the most perfect example for this category. Or companies such as Louis Vuitton adibusana popularize the product with his bag. And of course, we must appoint BMW and Ferarri, the two automotive manufacturers to create products legendary nan interesting.

Moment that the second strategy is oriented on the choice of Operational Excellence (operational excellence). For companies in this category, the main business is to build the super-efficient. The hope, with the efficiency of this process, they can press the production fee, and ultimately candidate able to sell their products with a more competitive price. Dell, the computer company's original Texas, the sample is worth mentioning in this category. With the business model and highly efficient, they can create products with the desktop price komptetitif more than its competitors, such as IBM and HP.

Moment is the last option strategy that draws on customer intimacy (intimacy with customers). For companies in this category, which is the main building intimate relationships with their customers; with the hope that relations will attain eternal. Many companies in the field of hospitality and also the flight that melakoni strategy is to build loyalty by-the pelangggannya. Harley Davidson also has a very well known exceptional relationship with the intimate users; so that they can build a very intense fanaticism with millions of operation in all Zagat.

Of course, many companies that also combine a variety of the moment, and not only focus on one moment. Honda, for example, have known, other than the products winning, also known as the process has a very efficient business. Similarly, the Singapore Airline. In addition to having a product that ciamik flight, they also have expertise in building intimate relationships with their customers.

Thus, the three business strategy that moment be feasible. Aligning the moment when Performed with high precision will be guaranteed to deliver the benefits of PLAYERS in the ship.

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