An Executive Guide to Sustainable Business Strategies

Join us for a Webcast that will give you a clear understanding of how to focus your organization’s sustainability efforts.

You will hear from Andrew Winston, founder of Winston Eco-Strategies; Laura Ipsen, Senior Vice President of Global Policy and Government Affairs for Cisco and Alyssa Farrell, Marketing Manager for Sustainability Solutions of SAS. All have key lessons to share from many years of experience.

Find out what works and which paths to avoid. Techniques and technology have evolved and made way for innovations that were previously considered unrealistic. Make sure your organization is not left behind.

Andrew Winston, founder of Winston Eco-Strategies

Andrew Winston

Andrew Winston is a respected author, consultant and thought-leader on corporate sustainability initiatives; particularly how strategies can be employed for competitive advantage.

He is the co-author of Green to Gold: How smart companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate,create value,and build competitive advantage, the best-selling guide to what works – and what doesn't – when companies go green. Andrew is a nationally recognized expert on green business, and has written for or appeared in Time, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Forbes, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News, National Public Radio, and CNBC.

Winston received his BA in Economics from Princeton, an MBA from Columbia, and a Masters of Environmental Management from Yale.

Laura Ipsen, Sr. VP, Global Policy and Gov't Affairs. Cisco

Laura Ipsen

Laura Ipsen is Senior Vice President of Global Policy and Government Affairs for Cisco, the global leader for networking for the Internet. Since 1996, she has been responsible for developing Cisco’s public policy agenda and managing government affairs activities worldwide. She is also the co-chair of Cisco’s Eco-Board focusing on Cisco’s initiatives and leadership on environmental issues.

Ipsen represents a company that has embraced sustainability. She is a key executive on Cisco's corporate EcoBoard. She understands the cultural and organizational challenges that this topic represents.

Alyssa A. Farrell, Marketing Manager for Sustainability Solutions, SAS

Alyssa Farrell

Alyssa Farrell is the Marketing Manager for Sustainability Solutions and works with SAS customers around the world to understand best practices and solutions for challenging business issues. She participates in environmental industry groups and is a member of the Corporate Leadership Council of the National Association of State CIOs.

Prior to joining SAS, Farrell was a senior consultant in the Deloitte Public Sector practice. She is a graduate of the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, where she earned her MBA degree with a concentration in Management Information Systems. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Duke University.

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How to be your own (very good) management consultant

First, let me explain where we get our information: Via two of the world's greatest management thinkers, you can learn from the world's most successful business leaders and management gurus - such as Tom Peters, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Peter Drucker and Andrew Grove.

What if two of the world's greatest management thinkers were invited into hundreds of businesses, talked to Chief Executive Officers and their executives about business theory, took an analytical look at how their management processes work, and then sent you a monthly briefing on what techniques are working and where?

Could you use that personal information to improve your own business management skills, performance and prospects? Could it help you achieve quality management? Could it boost creativity in managers you employ? Could it help you improve business strategy and put an effective business plan into place?

The Letter to Thinking Managers provides solutions to hundreds of common management problems. I'd like you to try it, at no risk, over the next two months.

Most managers are far too busy to do our kind of investigative business management analysis. And we are the best, by far, at doing it.

Our two editors are Robert Heller and Edward de Bono, two of the leading creative thinkers in management today. Both are highly critical of many business management practices.

They give examples of bad practice so you'll avoid making the same mistakes as others. Then they offer guidelines for a way forward to help you achieve quality management. We are currently offering a two-month free trial. If you decide to subscribe, you'll build a substantial workbook of best practice procedures for every important aspect regarding the management and development of a successful business.

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Types of Business Insurance

By Gregory Boob,

Business insurance is a broad description that can be broken down into a list of nine types of insurance policies and here I will briefly explain the coverage and expand on these as individual topics. For now, these are general descriptions so that we are talking about the same thing when I use these terms in later articles.

property insurance.
Property insurance insures against loss or damage to the location of the business and its contents. It can also insure the property of others in your control when the loss occurs. Property insurance can be for a specific risk. For example, a fire insurance policy insures only against a fire loss to the location. A tornado is not a fire and, therefore, that loss would not be covered. The insured location can be owned, leased or rented.
Casualty Insurance.Some insurers will lump property and casualty insurance together and refer to the coverage as property and casualty insurance. In fact, packaged policies of property and casualty are often the best purchase a business owner can make. However, to have an understanding of the difference between the coverage, I will discuss this as a separate type of insurance. Casualty insurance insures against loss or damage to the business.
Liability Insurance.Liability insurance insures against liability legally imposed upon your business because of the negligence of the business or its employees. Put another way, it protects your business when the business is sued for negligence.
Commercial Auto.Your personal automobile policy does NOT cover vehicles used by your business. If your business uses vehicles or anything that is required to be titled by your state, then you need a commercial auto policy. Commercial auto coverage insures against property damage to vehicles and damage caused to others by those vehicles.
Worker Competation.You will need to insure your employees against on-the-job injuries. Every state is different. But, most states have put into place some form of workers' compensation system. Workers' compensation is a system where the employee is not allowed, by statute, to sue their employer for on-the-job injuries; but, in return, the employer must participate in a system that provides nearly automatic payment to the employee in case of injury for medical bills and damages. There are many options for workers' compensation coverage. Some states allow an employer to opt-out of the system if the employer is self insured, some run the system through private insurers while others use state agencies.
Business Interruption.Business interruption insurance insures against loss or damage to the cash flow and profit of a business caused by the business being unable to operate because of interruption. The easiest example is to think about a critical piece of machinery being struck by lightning. The repairs to the machine may be covered by other coverage such as property or casualty insurance. But, if you can not make widgets for three months, than there is no replacement of that income without this coverage.
Health Insurance.To be competitive, most businesses need to offer their workers health insurance. This insurance offers a health coverage benefit to your employees (and you).
Life and disability insurance.Life and disability insurance protects the business against the death or disability of key employees. For example, one partner carries a life insurance policy naming the partnership as a beneficiary. If that partner dies, and the business has planned properly, the proceeds of the policy can be used by the business to buy out the share of the decedent's partnership interest from the estate.
Other Insurance or Scripted Policies.It could very well be that your business is so unique to have need for coverage that is a mixture of some of the coverage listed above or something written specifically for your particular risk. One can think of some actresses, actors, or sports stars that have had legs insured at some point in there careers. This would be an example of a scripted policy.

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What is management?

ByF.John Reh,

These are standard questions that most of us in the management profession have been asked more than once. And questions we asked once in our careers too. Here, then, is a basic look at management, a primer, Management 101 from my perspective.

Art and Science
Management is both art and science. It is the art of making people more effective than they would have been without you. The science is in how you do that. There are four basic pillars: plan, organize, direct, and monitor.

Make Them More Effective
Four workers can make 6 units in an eight-hour shift without a manager. If I hire you to manage them and they still make 6 units a day, what is the benefit to my business of having hired you? On the other hand, if they now make 8 units per day, you, the manager, have value.

The same analogy applies to service, or retail, or teaching, or any other kind of work. Can your group handle more customer calls with you than without? Sell higher value merchandise? Impart knowledge more effectively? etc. That is the value of management - making a group of individual more effective.

Management starts with planning. Good management starts with good planning. And proper prior planning prevents… well, you know the rest of that one.

Without a plan you will never succeed. If you happen to make it to the goal, it will have been by luck or chance and is not repeatable. You may make it as a flash-in-the-pan, an overnight sensation, but you will never have the track record of accomplishments of which success is made.

Figure out what your goal is (or listen when your boss tells you). Then figure out the best way to get there. What resources do you have? What can you get? Compare strengths and weaknesses of individuals and other resources. Will putting four workers on a task that takes 14 hours cost less than renting a machine that can do the same task with one worker in 6 hours? If you change the first shift from an 8 AM start to a 10 AM start, can they handle the early evening rush so you don't have to hire an extra person for the second shift?

Look at all the probable scenarios. Plan for them. Figure out the worst possible scenario and plan for that too. Evaluate your different plans and develop what, in your best judgement, will work the best and what you will do if it doesn't.

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Its accounting in the business cycle Mass Market

Almost the same with the computerization of business in the trade, dakalanya people think that by applying computerized accounting system, then all problems will terselesaikan.Meskipun accounting assumption is not entirely wrong, but also can be said is not entirely truthful. Because the actual purpose of computerized accounting system is only for

* Zoom error recording,
* Control and cheating
* Acceleration calculations.

However, computerized systems can not be right that a system that has been applied correctly or incorrectly, because the computer only act in a dummy (Passive), meaning that any given command to be done for the countdown, the computer will calculate the direct, but he (computer) do not know whether that was in the countdown is a matter that should be counted or not a matter that needs to be calculated (by way of such).

Departure from there, if we want to start a turnaround in the accounting business, which is a new walk, which needs to be is that we must first know the accounting system (manual), which will be applied in our business. After we merancangnya, we can apply the new accounting system that terkomputerisasi. There will be compromise, compromise occurred in the calculation of the accounting method.

The need to first be prepared to start the cycle accounting is true, actually has bebererapa stages, depending on the destination to be achieved from the accounting calculation.

Starting sikulus Akuntnasi diusaha savings and loans will be divided into 2 groups basis, namely:


Savings and loans that have been there before and computerization

Saving and Loans where there are no new data.

1. If the Save Borrow your business running, of course, you have a little more to apply methods or how accounting calculation that can generate a report Balance Profit and Loss. From the way you gunkana at this time, you can applying it to the system that you will use.
the need to become your attention is when you apply perhituangan accounting Savings and Loans are self-taught (think own), then your accounting system should be replaced by adopting the system that you use, because there is a possibility if you still use your self-taught system, the method is not ready for the development of your business.

some points that need attention:


Loan interest calculation method

Method of calculation of interest savings

treat income and the cost basis or cash basis accruel

2. Saving and Loans If you just stand, the most important point is that you must have at least one that can never run or (become) an interpreter at a book store business loans. Because with this, then the business will be reported (in the manage) is how, will be set at the start.
You try to imagine the business if you do not understand that one of the savings and loans (usually cooperative), the "obligation" to make a report and rugilaba balance that must be reported to the Member be difficult.
Different business trade (private) that do not have the obligation to make reports and balance sheets rugilaba.

jurubuku needs a new business due to system (computerization), which is not 100% dictate how melaporakan how the accounting should (be), but some will be set up in advance (by the user) to comply with state savings and loans (cooperative) that run. and this need in the pen "design" the report forms and methods of calculation.

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CPA teaches businesses techniques for survival

Written by ArticleCafe.NET
It's a jungle out there for business owners, but we plan to teach people how to survive in it.

"I believe all your professionals should save you either tax dollars or make you more money or give you good advice or preclude bad things happening to you, easily exceeding the fees they get for their services", he said.

We make plans to spotlight the practical aspects of running a business. Schools teach business concepts, but our firm narrows the focus to particulars such as preparing financial statements, developing business plans and calculating a business's vital statistics.

We give other very specific advice. For instance, in the case of loans either going to or coming from a company, if a promissory note doesn't exist, IRS officials could call the exchange of money additional capital for the company or a dividend for an individual and tax the money. Standard loans, on the other hand, normally aren't taxed.

Most business owners are very willing to loan their companies money or vice versa. But most fail to document the full (meaning of the transaction), he said.

The course is designed for small business owners. Leaders of large businesses, he said, generally know how to survive in the business world; that's how their businesses became large.

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

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What Directors Should Ask about Talent Management

By Claudya Lacy KElly

The global creedit squence and resulting meltdown in financial markets have clearly taken over not just the headlines but corporate leaders' share of mind as well. However, boards ignore other issues at their peril. Global competition and the war for talent have reached a point that require to be confident that their companies are focusing on talent management at the highest levels.

It has been 10 years since MC.Kinsey&CO issued its much-cited report, "The War for Talent," which stated that the U.S. was facing a long-term talent shortage. The U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that half of 3.2 million baby boomers who turned 62 in 2008 would take early retirement. While that seems less likely given the recent hit most retirement funds have incurred, the underlying demographic trend of an aging workforce continues to haunt corporations.

There are other factors at play as well. For example, the recent spate of mega-mergers will have long-term talent implications. At the outset, merged companies, in search of economies of scale, lay off employees. Post-merger, these companies frequently face talent shortages in critical areas where the scale of operations have been greatly increased. The global span of large corporations, an inability to bring professional and technical workers into the U.S. because of visa limits, and a dearth of U.S. graduates in such critical specialties as engineering also underscore the need for increased diligence in managing human capital.

To determine how well career development and succession planning are being implemented at the senior executive level and below, there are seven key questions directors should be asking about the companies they govern:

1. What C-level succession-planning process is in place?

There are generally three levels of succession planning for senior executives (including the CEO, CFO, CIO, CHRO, and business-unit leaders). The first is an orderly succession plan based on the executive retiring at a specific age. The second is an intermediate succession plan that anticipates that a key executive may leave prior to an orderly retirement. The third is an emergency plan that can be immediately enacted if an executive is suddenly incapacitated or leaves the company precipitously. Boards should ensure that all three plans are in place and should spend time getting to know the individuals named as next-generation successors.

2. How is the company assessing competencies of its senior executives and those immediately below them?

The board should know the strengths and weaknesses of the senior team and the methodology used to create those assessments. These evaluations should include both assessments and other sources of data, as well as external benchmarking. As a result, HR should have a list of internal and external candidates who can take over any mission-critical job. There should be a seamless transition if a critical member of the team needs to be replaced.

3. How much time do senior executives spend on succession planning at the senior executive level?

It is one thing to say a company has a thorough succession plan and another for senior executives to implement it on a programmatic basis. Companies like General Elektrik(GE) and PepsiCo (PEP) spend considerable time on talent development. HR facilitates, helps with assessments, and coordinates the activity, but it is not HR's job to make final decisions. That is the role of line managers.

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Preparing Corporate Professionals to Start Businesses

Despite popular perception, not all great entrepreneurial ideas emerge from college dorm rooms or Silicon Valley garages. Many businesses start with the weekend work of well-networked corporate professionals who are industry-savvy, says Taylor Smith, managing partner of New York-based The Spirus Group, a venture development firm. He spoke recently with Smart Answers columnist Karen E. Klein about how today's employees may become next year's entrepreneurs. Edited excerpts of their conversation follow.

It's a difficult environment all the way around. There are some corporate professionals who went into their lines of work because of the financial upside, and they were willing to be in these all-or-nothing jobs and make a sacrifice on lifestyle. But now, with more job insecurity, they may see a changing cost-benefit analysis and they're deciding to take some of the money they've earned and see if that idea they've had in the back of their minds a long time is viable.

Other people are starting to work on a business plan in their off-time so they don't land flat-footed if there is a layoff. Sometimes a business offers the best potential for financial gain as an industry tightens and compensation levels come down.

Isn't it always difficult to know when to leave the corporate world and make that leap into starting a business?

Absolutely. I think, given what's happening now, this is a time to hold on to your job a little bit longer than you might otherwise, just to make sure you have as much visibility as you can for as long as you can. At some point, of course, you are going to have to take that leap of faith.

What can people do in terms of planning for a business venture while they are still working in a full-time job?

A lot of early venture development work can be done at the same time you stay in your job. For instance, you need to have a good sense of the competitive landscape. A lot of entrepreneurs are so enamored by their business idea that they don't spend enough time canvassing who else is out there.

There's also work to do like deciding on a business model, lining up the financing, creating a marketing strategy, and finding suppliers. All this can be done on nights and weekends, and you can make sure that the time when you've let go of one trapeze handle and catch the other one is as short as possible.

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by :Rusman Hakim
Observer Entrepreneurship

According to me, is mistaken learn phenomenon leaders, to create leaders. Similarly, misrepresentation learn phenomenon successful businessman, to print a successful businessman. For, leader of the phenomena (or business) is a human phenomenon, which is not the same with natural phenomena. If Isaac Newton to learn about the fall of apple fruit to the ground (natural phenomena) and then find gavitasi law, then it is okay, just okay. Because natural phenomena are not changed, the legal gravity will remain immortal.

However, learn the human phenomenon will cause frustration. For, the human machine is a change, so there will be no human phenomena that remain eternal throughout the period, contrary to what we see in the event of the fall apple fruit.
Leaders, in any field including business, human figure that is free, which will act without considering the theory like any rule, so that virtually useless if we want to learn and follow a long terjangnya impressions.

Try to see, while the world economic recession year 1929, all based on theories that there is, trying to sehemat may apply. But otherwise, Matsushita's king electricity from the Japanese royal to even money. As if money is no more than just toys properly. Although it is not without reason that he apply.

See also Kim Woo Chong, founder of the Daewoo empire. When all the businessman (also with theories that there is) to enter the market to concentrate wealthy countries such as the United States and Europe, he even with santainya entrance to the market "hardware" such as Iran, Sudan and Russia and the countries block east.

"Futility" learn and try to kick lunge business leaders can be felt directly in the field. The first time the Harvard Business Review published a marketing concept familiar with the "Marketing Mix" 4p (product, price, place and promotion), virtually all businessmen and business experts embrace the concept of this fanatic. Similarly, universities and school management.

But, not too long, as a result of the "RADIO" business leaders are eager to play, changes in economic trends and forces the industry experts and learners change again with the concept 6P battery, which last 8P even mentioned as 12P.

How to continue? If we need is time to learn and not with the science behind the era of marketing, when we do business?

I think we all are trapped and float in the "flow of knowledge" created by their "expert knowledge", so we were not more innovation that is the key to business success. We continuously "forced" catch up without the knowledge know where the end pangkalnya.

The question: "Actually we want to be like a businessman or a scientist I?"

I believe that business success and is the only kind of game. As to what is said by William Cohen in the writings of "The Art Of The Leader": "Success is Acquired by playing hard, not by working hard ..".

Referring to the many people obsessed about Bill Gates and Donald Trump, as mentioned above, that both the leaders also reached Beneath the success of the play.

Bill Gates since the age of 13 years still have to play with computer software, and with it he became one of the richest people in the world. Donald Trump also since the small always play to the office of his father, Fred Trump. He was once like to see a mock buildings and skyscrapers, before interested in the business sector father, namely the property. Donald Trump and be a King Property.

Finally I want to is, people who learn the science of leadership will not be a leader. However, people who try to become leaders, will be the leaders. Similarly, people who learn the science business, will not become a businessman. But, the people who tried to become a businessman, will become a businessman.

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by :Rusman Hakim

Observer Entrepreneurship

For we feel afraid and not familiar started the business, which usually arises in our minds is: "learn". The options may be a way to take the program so S2 and a MBA, or number of seminars and training, or can also act like a teacher and serve on a Begawan business.

Approximately selaraskah have thought that such a groove with what happens in reality? Let's study.

Most of the business because we want success, and a rich feast. We imagine, how good's in it and if we can sesukses and sekaya Bill Gates or Donald Trump. According to the views of the community in general, they are successful people who truthfully. They loop-loop business performance that makes people obsessed.

But experts wonder if any extract try and learn all that there are people on that success, with the hope that can transfer the values of success to other people who also want to become a successful figure. They maintain that: "Leaders are made, not born."

Furthermore, all long lunge by the businessman, the collected, dipilah-Sort, and then analyzed. From the analysis it made theories. The result, the various theories that terkemas success in the material "knowledge business," the discourse of professionalism, knowledge leadership (leadership), and others.

People really want once the public find ways that can help them to quickly achieve success. Such rail train that followed it will lead people arrived at the gates of success.

However, what we want to correct figure to be successful - more successful businessman specificity - must travel records with theories such success?

From the various notes that there is, does not seem so. Many long-lunge by the world's business leaders do not reflect that success because of their learning seriously in the business knowledge, professionalism and leadership theory. Not also the knowledge economy, theories about the freedom of financial, marketing knowledge and so forth. Also, because they are not diligently follow the success of seminars or workshops on business strategy.

On the other hand, many business leaders it is the people who do not like learning, lazy school, and only want to play it. Boro-boro take seminars or workshops. During the can?

There are several examples of cases. The first, Thomas Alva Edison. Name this since we already know in elementary school is not it? However, we certainly know more as the Edison of knowledge, because schools focus only on the teachings of the discovery of incandescent lamps and various other technical findings that do.

But we rarely consider that Thomas Alva Edison was also a big success. He is the owner and founder of several companies with names such as Lansden Co.. (car / automotive), Battery Supplies Co.. (battery), Edison Manufacturing Co.. (batteries, etc.), Edison Portland Cement Co.. (cement and concrete), North Jersey Paint Co.. (paint), Edison General Electric Co.. (electrical equipment, etc.), and many others. One of the still successful until now is General Electric.

What is to achieve all that Edison must take pains to follow the various schools and higher education? Or the world-class seminar held by the success of experts, business experts or specialists financial freedom? Was not. Figure Edison is the only figure shiftless hold 3 weeks of school. He would prefer to play with tools, with wires and electricity. Beneath it, and with it his success.

Another example is Kenji Eno. He also did not like school. He just likes to play with games, bands played formidable sets with video games. Class 2 senior high schools continue to idle stop. And can work at the software company, until he finally succeeded in establishing the company's own software, called WARP. In just the tempo few years, Kenji Eno able to bring the company into the company's video games of the world's recognized by industry leaders.

The phenomenon, a phenomenon created by people like Edison and Kenji Eno gives us the impression that all business is actually closer to a game, and too far to be treated as a science.

Gede freshman known as a specialist management (even dijuluki Stephen Covey Indonesia), Kenji Eno comment on the phenomena as the success of the freedom of thinking that is able to jump, because it has not been affected by pollution-pollution that created the school.

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Experience is the Best Teachers To Travel And Living Your Business

by:Siswo Nugroho
You never go to movies titled Kungfu Panda? You like? The effect of what you can? If I, but this sentence that I remember, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is Mystery, today is a gift."

Either sentence is simple. But he is the thought, care is also yes. It feels so I have more strength after hearing the sentence. Magic yes? Only the words in the movie but can make people become stronger.

Not many people are able to utilize the maximum of life. Age is a long and sometimes only through it we do things without meaning. Time is running fast. Without felt suddenly we are old. But, do you ever try to think like this, "what I have to be able to second this? It is great that I achieve? "

Well, well, well. It is time we beresolusi. Hmmm, there must be time we stop for a moment from all the activity. And, we make a long question which we must submit on ourselves. Yes, angket create for ourselves. And only we who must answer all the questions there. Will be discovered here, whether we are living according to our willingness? Berhasilkah we have?

We must be honest in themselves. If we squander time is useless, do not be afraid to acknowledge. If too many errors that we do, we may regret. But, sorry just is not enough. We still have time to the front. Time is still a mystery. Mystery that only we can solve. Ink which you will torehkan in the blank sheets we?

Similarly, in the business. Throughout what business you are running? Target what has been achieved? What are the mistakes that have occurred in your business? Failure what you never forget?

Yesterday is history. This means, we must learn from what happened. If you failed yesterday to sell 100 products, does not mean that tomorrow you will fail again. Today is a gift. So, for you to be able to use this day as possible, I believe the mystery of your business to the next will not make you worry.

If today you go bankrupt.the company's high debt. All property is be a bank. What will you do? Be sad, be angry, uring-uringan also be. But, the original productive. Excite feelings, emotions that sometimes are also good for health. Origin, do not kebablasan.

Moreover, better take advantage of the gifts of God given to you. As the day you are given this time, given the still life. This means you still have the opportunity to rise again. Although staggering, you can not lose control. Time will be difficult days paid in the future. Trust. God not only to test your patience, but also to test your creativity. Experience is the best teacher. Study from there. If you have been successful, I believe you can be more successful again.

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How do I jump in the World Entrepreneurs

by:Ikhwan Sopa
Would you like and want to jump in the business world, now or later? The answer should be like and want. It seems the answer is enough to force you to start thinking about these phenomena.

If you work on other people, is good if you consider to continue its career to the top. But as workers, you will also retiring.

If you follow the pattern of grooves and pension normal and natural, then know that when your pension, your pension is also basically from all employers, not only from your employer at this time. Furthermore, if the pattern of "normal" and "natural" is closely related to the productive age.

Will be quite difficult for you, after retirement at age 30, 40 or even 50 years, find employers who want to employ you. And it is possible, you will be bored again with working for other people.

What is certain; you clearly do not want to die immediately after retirement. The remaining age you may still be 10, 20 or even 50 years also.

So, like, want not want to, you should also start thinking about the jump in world Entrepreneurs, either immediately or as soon as possible after your retirement.

Workshop on E.D.A.N. yesterday, I had discussions with the mild one of the participants who become founder, the moderator, and a community elder in entrepreneurship. From that discussion, some lessons can be associated with what and how someone can jump in the world Entrepreneurs.

I then try to understand a little more, and following this I can find out about the types Entrepreneurs who start entrepreneurshipnya world.

Early Birds

This is the type Entrepreneurs since the beginning of the project itself has become Entrepreneurs. They have considered the world's Entrepreneurs since they are still in school. However, situations and circumstances their schools, their ambitions after graduation is to become Entrepreneurs.

They may have started in the business school since. Or they learn independently world entrepreneurship.

So for them, not ready ready later after school, they do not want to work on other people, but otherwise intend to become a major job provider.

Some of them, not even had time to complete school because kesibukannya business.

Personally, I really crave-idamkan circumstances in which the children of Indonesia, has started to be introduced with the world since I was junior high or high school.

How good if in junior high or high school, we can see the existence of the school radio, television school, the school newspaper, magazine, schools, cooperative schools, business schools or divisions, which are managed by professionals with children younger teens years.

Smooth Lander

They are the professionals who continue to hone their ability, while left to pursue a career at. They look for opportunities where the gold investors want to give them the opportunity to run a business.

The phenomenon that occurs is the most common fertilizer resources in the form of savings and investment that produces a variety of passive income. We recognize them as those who are not familiar with the "Rose Bude."


They are young professionals with the full spirit, but careful enough in a business adventure.

Immediately after possible, after various basic needs met, they began to undertake various forms of guerrilla. Start from the less smooth as moonlight or steal the time and opportunity, or the elegant enough to start building a home business, online business, or business network.

They may pay to operate a family business beginners. They may also open a kiosk or take advantage of his home garage. They may also build alliances with a colleague, establish a new company that has not diterjuninya in total.

They will immediately jump in total business, whereas the various parameters and their personal requirements is considered fulfilled. For example, which have reserves equivalent to two years of their salary during this, or have other sources of ajeg and remain, and so forth.

Free Diver

This is a truly adventurous. They are not too concerned about the security position and backup resources. They really rely on strength and willingness to dream. They only know one thing, namely the desire, aspiration, or obsession, and their idealism.

Ships burner

They are the people who have been since early devote his life to the world of business. May be, they do not even have some formal education bench. Their school is the real business world.

They move and operate the business for the business. If a business is not running according to expectations, they will not shrink away and jump in the business world that other, even if the new business world is still dark enough for them.

If a business has brought bankruptcy or not developed, after working to find enough saved, and it is not considered successful, they will not shrink from "burning" their ship. They will build new ships, ocean and immediately shoot back.

Slow Surfer

They are convinced that the businessman saw "little by little, long time into the hill."

They do not hesitate to build a business that is considered other small or unimportant. They focus more on the learning patterns. They knew that any little that, if the place will bring results.


They are the people who have a little more soul gambler (in the positive context of course). They knew this one: "Only needed a success, to create a sequence of success up to seven derivative."

Learn about all types of refleksikan on yourself. If you have to find which type you, then you can start doing Modeling with the concept of ATMs. Amati, Tiru, Modifications.

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Three moment Business Strategy

by:Yodhia Antariksa
What is the actual Microsoft continues to make successful? Then why Nokia is able to produce cell phones that most beloved of the consumer? And what makes the BMW for tens of years of prosperity continues to be the icon that people continue to be hunted? Learning from the success story of the companies leading the global scale to serve customers, it seems there are a number of Wisdom, which can be quoted. The main lesson that can be taken is this: that the process must serve the customers it begins with the selection of the correct strategy. In other words, the process of serving the needs of customers had not suddenly appeared from the sky, but the choice must diselaraskan with the company strategy (corporate strategy), which has been discontinued.

In this context, there are three strategies that moment acapkali applied by the company's world-class companies. Moment that the first option strategy that is oriented on product leadership (superior products). Companies in this category is always working to create products with premium quality, and always one step Ahead of products than competitors. They are not reluctant to fund large part to the R & D for the creation of its products ciamik. Intel's famous Pentium series with it may be the most perfect example for this category. Or companies such as Louis Vuitton adibusana popularize the product with his bag. And of course, we must appoint BMW and Ferarri, the two automotive manufacturers to create products legendary nan interesting.

Moment that the second strategy is oriented on the choice of Operational Excellence (operational excellence). For companies in this category, the main business is to build the super-efficient. The hope, with the efficiency of this process, they can press the production fee, and ultimately candidate able to sell their products with a more competitive price. Dell, the computer company's original Texas, the sample is worth mentioning in this category. With the business model and highly efficient, they can create products with the desktop price komptetitif more than its competitors, such as IBM and HP.

Moment is the last option strategy that draws on customer intimacy (intimacy with customers). For companies in this category, which is the main building intimate relationships with their customers; with the hope that relations will attain eternal. Many companies in the field of hospitality and also the flight that melakoni strategy is to build loyalty by-the pelangggannya. Harley Davidson also has a very well known exceptional relationship with the intimate users; so that they can build a very intense fanaticism with millions of operation in all Zagat.

Of course, many companies that also combine a variety of the moment, and not only focus on one moment. Honda, for example, have known, other than the products winning, also known as the process has a very efficient business. Similarly, the Singapore Airline. In addition to having a product that ciamik flight, they also have expertise in building intimate relationships with their customers.

Thus, the three business strategy that moment be feasible. Aligning the moment when Performed with high precision will be guaranteed to deliver the benefits of PLAYERS in the ship.

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Features Leaders of character.

by:Abdul Rahman Kadir, MM
Actualization character of leadership that is expected of the nation is able to deliver the children of the nation from dependence (Dependency) toward independence (independency), next to the continuum maturasi themselves to a complete mutual tergantungan

(interdependency), require keteladanan example through Introducing the behavior of the political elite in the executive, judicial and legislative bodies in the garden essence of democracy is conducive. Habitat can be a hotbed of characters, among others, it leaders must be menumbuh suburkan and develop behaviors and attributes such as:

1. Self-awareness (self-awareness) of the fair itself and against other people, honest to the strength of self, weakness and a sincere effort to fix.

2. Basically someone leaders tend to treat others in the organization on the basis of equality degree, without having to lick the above elbow kesamping and oppressive to the bottom. Deepak Sethi reminded by the leaders to go to subordinates are genuine.

3. Have a curiosity and can be approached so that other people feel safe in the feedback and new ideas in an honest, unadorned and full respect to their leaders.

4. Be transparent and able to respect the competitors (political opponents) or the enemy, and learn from their situation in the leadership or business conditions in general.

5. Have the intelligence, careful and firm so that they can work in the professional scholarly office. Results pekerjaanya useful for himself, family, community, nation and country.

6. Have self-respect (a sense of personal honour and personal Dignity) and disciplined private, so capable and have a sense of personal responsibility on the private behavior. Unlike the current leaders of each other throwing utterance sejawatnya colleagues on the vitriolic different political flow.

7. Have the ability to communicate, the spirit of "team work", creative, confident, innovative and mobility.

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Based Technology Business Incubator

by:Tata Sutabri S.Kom, MM
Changes for the changes that occur from one period to the next era have entered the human accompany the digital era, an era that often raises the question: whether we still live in the present or have been living in the future. This question arises because almost all things which are not imagined would happen at this time, suddenly appear in front of us. The future seems to be faster from the time that the present operation, owing to advances in information technology.

Information and communications technology or telecommunications service technology (information and communication technology-ICT) has been recognized as one of the world's facilities and infrastructure to overcome the main problems the world. Technology, telecommunications service known as the convergence of communications technology (communication), processing (computing) and information (information) that diseminasikan practice of multimedia facilities. The problem in Indonesia is the main problem is how to solve the digital gap is still very large with menumbuh-developed innovations or teknopreneur telecommunications service industry. Technopreneurship or entrepreneurship, technology is a process and the formation of a new business that involves technology as a base, with the hope that the creation and innovation strategy that can be put right soon the technology as one of the factors for the development of national economy.

Employers technology (Technopreneur), especially information technology (IT) requires the existence of freedom in the innovating, without bridled by the regulations that hamper. The government loosen regulations that set strict grass root movement in the Indonesian IT community, it will provide a positive impact on the growth of IT itself and also the business aspect. This is very important because it was the experience in the field, which often occur between the interests of business entities as a business that demands to always behave and behave as entrepreneurs and make changes, adjust the fact that there are changes with the demands and increase business, but on the other hand, there are interests that the Government may be contrary to the interests of business as a unit. Technopreneurship needed in the spirit of competition that dominant, that is not left behind from the turbulent global business.

In the long period of time, knowledge is placed in the "box" apart exclusively, seems to be deported from economic activities. World knowledge or call us with education, is not considered to be a part of the economic system. Education is seen as a cloistered world where the development value of sterling, while the world economy is seen as a world full of cheating, injustice, even as a world tanpai value (value). Dikotomis perspective that is, in the long period of time that can not be good terjembatani. Each of the more important and party-claim as the most correct.

That we need to know is that in the era of knowledge-based economy that knowledge, education is a manifestation of the success of the national development of a country. Even education can be a superior competitiveness of a country. In other words, the strategic role of education in the nation's economic advancement. And this has been proven by industrial countries such as the new Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia, where the building of education facilities and infrastructure are seriously in the last ten years, the quality of life of nations continued to increase.

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